What does the TOEIC test score say about your English level?

What does the TOEIC test score say about your English level?

Currently, many people wonder how TOEIC test scores reflect their English proficiency.

Many of you plan to study TOEIC, are studying TOEIC or have even studied TOEIC with the goal of improving your English and conquering employers. But few of you know how employers analyze your English proficiency through TOEIC test scores. So EnglishTop will help you summarize a part through the article below.

1. Listening skills

TOEIC Listening score 400 or higher


Infer the main idea, purpose and basic context of short conversations based on a large vocabulary

  • Even when the responses are not direct or predictable.
  • Even if the information is not repeated more than once or is interpreted differently.

Understand details in short conversations, even when negative sentence structures are used, when the syntax is complex, or when there is a variety of vocabulary.

Understand details in long speeches, even when they have to connect information throughout the speech and even when information is not repeated.


TOEIC test takers who achieve this score usually only have difficulty when encountering unfamiliar grammar and vocabulary.

TOEIC Listening score is about 300


Can sometimes infer the main idea, purpose and context of short conversations, especially when the vocabulary is simple.

Understand the main idea, purpose and context of short conversations where information is repeated or presented in a different way.

Understand details in short talks when simple and common vocabulary is used.

Understand details in long speeches when information is repeated and when the information they need to grasp is at the beginning or end of the speech. They can understand details when information is rephrased just slightly differently.


Have difficulty understanding the main idea, purpose, and context of short conversations when responses are not direct, unpredictable, or when difficult vocabulary appears.

Not understanding the main idea, purpose, and main context of long speeches when it is necessary to connect information in the speech or when difficult vocabulary appears.

Inability to understand details in short conversations when the syntax is complex or when difficult vocabulary appears.

Not understanding details in long speeches when information needs to be connected throughout the speech or when information is not repeated. Does not understand most information expressed differently from the question or with difficult grammatical structures

What does the TOEIC test score say about your English level?

Study TOEIC effectively

TOEIC Listening score level is 200


Understand short, simple sentences describing the main idea of ​​a photograph.

Can sometimes understand the main idea, purpose and main context of long speech when this information is repeated many times and simple words are used.

Understand details in short conversations and short picture descriptions when the vocabulary is easy to use and when the amount of information to be understood is small.

Understand details in long speech when the information to be understood appears at the beginning or end of the speech and when this information is similar to words spoken in the text.


Not understanding the main idea, purpose, or context of short conversations, even when language is used directly, without hidden meaning, and no distracting information is present.

Not understanding the main idea, purpose, and main context of long speeches when it is necessary to connect information throughout the speech, or when the vocabulary is difficult.

Inability to understand details in short conversations when difficult vocabulary is used or when complex syntax is present.

Unable to understand details in long speeches when the information needed is in the middle of the speech. They cannot understand information expressed differently or difficult grammatical structures.

2. Reading skills

TOEIC Reading score of 450 or higher


Can infer the main idea and purpose of a text and can make inferences about details.

Can read for main ideas, factual information even when the information is worded differently.

Can combine information throughout an entire text and link information between two related texts.

Can understand a wide range of vocabulary, uncommon meanings of common words, and uses of idiomatic expressions.

Can understand regular grammatical structures and difficult, complex and unfamiliar grammatical structures.


Test takers with scores around 450 often have difficulty when the information requiring candidates to understand appears very dense or has many difficult words.

What does the TOEIC test score say about your English level?

Learn TOEIC quickly

TOEIC Reading score is about 350


Infer the main idea and purpose of a text and about details.

Read to get the main idea, understand factual information even if it is expressed in a different way.

Link information throughout a short paragraph in a text, even when the vocabulary and grammar of the text is difficult.

Understand intermediate level vocabulary, difficult vocabulary in context, rare meanings of common words and idioms.

Understand regular grammatical structures, difficult, complex and rare grammatical structures.


Unable to connect information throughout a long paragraph in a text.

Cannot always understand difficult words, uncommon meanings of common words, or idioms, often cannot distinguish the difference between words with the same semantic field.

TOEIC Reading score level is 250


Make inferences based on a short passage of text.

Determine the correct answer to factual questions when the language in the text is the same as the language in the question, and answer factual questions when the answer is another expression of the accurate information in the text.

Connect information in one or two sentences and understand simple words and occasionally moderately difficult vocabulary.

Understand commonly used grammatical structures and choose the correct answers to grammar questions, even when difficult vocabulary appears or even when information needs to be linked together.


Unable to understand inferences that require different expressions or connections of information.

Understanding factual information is limited when information is worded differently or difficult words appear.

Unable to connect information between multiple sentences.

Does not understand difficult words, uncommon meanings of common words or idioms, and does not distinguish the difference between words of the same semantic field.

Does not understand more difficult or less common grammatical structures.

What does the TOEIC test score say about your English level?

High score on TOEIC (source: Learning a Foreign Language Is Not Difficult)

TOEIC Reading score level 150


Find correct answers to detail questions when there is little reading required and when the words in the text are similar to the information in the question.

Understand simple words and common phrases.

Understand the most common and regular grammatical structures without much reading.


Inferences cannot be made about information in the text.

Unable to understand details that are expressed differently, can only answer when words and phrases in the text are similar to the question.

Unable to link information even in a single sentence.

Only understands a small amount of vocabulary.

Failure to understand easy grammatical structures when other language features, such as difficult vocabulary or the need to connect information, are required.