The ability to speak English is not only affected by pronunciation and listening comprehension but is also an art of expression.
Surely there have been many times when you felt helpless because you couldn't speak English fluently. Maybe you haven't stepped out of your comfort zone yet and are experiencing these fears with English!
You are not completely confident in your grammar and vocabulary. You are always haunted by the fear of making grammar mistakes when speaking English. You only need to open your mouth and this fear always follows. Why are you so afraid of grammar? Maybe it is because the previous education system has made you think: grammar is the most important! The truth is that no native speaker pays too much attention to grammar! They do not care what tense or structure you use, they just want to understand what you say. So, put this silly fear aside!
Vietnamese students' countless fears hinder their ability to speak English
Improper pronunciation is also one of the reasons that drag down your confidence. Surely you have experienced many times when native speakers make an O-shaped mouth and an A-shaped mouth because they do not understand what you are saying. Improper pronunciation is completely normal, because you are not a native speaker. You may not be accurate, but that doesn't mean you'll be like that for the rest of your life. You need to regain your courage and get rid of this self-consciousness and shyness immediately so you can speak your best English!
Many people think that not understanding English is a form of failure. Other people speak English to you and you don't understand, so what's the matter? You have every right to not understand English and this says nothing. Instead of being confused or avoiding, feel free to ask again when you don't understand and ask a native speaker to correct you. Who knows, you might learn more new words!
Vietnamese students' countless fears hinder their ability to speak English
Because in Vietnamese, we mainly use words to influence the other person. So you are not used to using body language. You feel this is ridiculous and awkward when you have to gesture or make eye contact. But native speakers consider this quite important. They already have this habit of talking to each other, let alone talking to people who are not of the same nationality as us. Sometimes body language helps the speaker express more meaning than words!
To be able to speak English fluently, you must eliminate these fears. Only confidence will help you succeed! Step out of your own barriers and experience it for yourself.