TOEIC test preparation handbook from A to Z

TOEIC test preparation handbook from A to Z

You want to prepare for the TOEIC test but don't know where to start? If so then you've come to the right place!

This is it TOEIC test preparation guide from A to Z, synthesizes all the information you need to know about TOEIC test preparation, from preparing for the test, to the test preparation process, and finally when taking the actual test.

First, you will have an overview of the TOEIC exam through the information you need to know about the TOEIC exam. Next you can determine your level before preparing for the TOEIC test to understand what you have achieved and what you need to improve to achieve the desired score.


1. Necessary information about the TOEIC exam

Before taking the TOEIC test, you probably have many questions surrounding the TOEIC test, right!

Everyday English has gathered all the useful information about TOEIC to answer all your frequently asked questions about the TOEIC test:

  • What is the TOEIC exam & What is the value of TOEIC?
  • What is the current structure of the TOEIC test?
  • What changes are there in the new TOEIC test structure in 2019?
  • Where to take the TOEIC test? What is the procedure to register for the TOEIC test?
  • TOEIC score scale & How to calculate TOEIC score?
  • How to convert TOEIC scores to IELTS and TOEFL?
  • ... and other information

2. Determine your level before preparing for the TOEIC test

Before starting to prepare for the TOEIC test, you need to evaluate yourself to see what level you are at to have a study plan appropriate to your level. In addition, you should also have an overview of which skills are your strengths and which skills need further improvement.

TOEIC is an exam that tests 2 skills Listening and Reading comprehension, so we should evaluate ourselves on the following items:

  • What TOEIC score are you currently at? → to find out how many points you need to get the score you want.
  • Between listening comprehension and reading comprehension skills, which skill are you strong in? → to know which skills need more attention to improve.
  • Between vocabulary and grammar, how well have you mastered it? → What is missing is supplemented by that.

After completing the assessment test:

  • If you have score 500 points or more or feel like you have relative solid grammar and has a fairly wide vocabulary
  • If your score from 10 to 495 points or find yourself getting many questions wrong because Not yet familiar with grammar or don't know many vocabulary:
    → You should regain your grammar foundation, expand your vocabulary and practice your listening and reading skills!

3. Practice TOEIC

Taking the TOEIC test is one of the most effective ways for us to get acquainted with the TOEIC test and apply our English knowledge.

There are many practice books on the market, but they have the disadvantage that you have to score them manually, and sometimes the books only give answers without explaining how to choose the answer, so you often get it wrong. also... don't know why I'm wrong.

Try practicing in a more scientific and convenient way at English Every Day, with more than 7000 practice questions for you to practice. Most notably, all the questions aretranslate the meaning and explain how to choose the answerfor each sentence, helping you understand the lesson as much as you can!