Tips for reading money in English very quickly and simply

Tips for reading money in English very quickly and simply

Talking about money in English is very simple but many people still say it wrong. And saying money wrongly in English will sometimes make you lose and misunderstand.

Today EnglishTop will guide you through some essential vocabulary, as well as popular currency units. Along with the English numbers that you have mastered, you will have enough vocabulary to say all prices, numbers, and numbers. I want the money.

Tips for reading money in English very quickly and simply

1. Some vocabulary about currency (How to read Vietnamese units)

  • Hundred /ˈhʌndrəd/ hundred

  • Thousand /ˈθaʊz(ə)nd/ thousand/ thousands

  • Million /ˈmɪljən/ million

  • Millionaire /mɪljəˈnɛː/ millionaire

  • Billion (US) /ˈbɪljən/ billion

  • Billionaire /bɪljəˈnɛː/ billionaire

2. How to read money in English

The tip for reading "correct" amounts of money in English is very simple, but necessary EnglishTop give you some note the following:

  • When the words thousand, million and billion or more, use "Comma" to separate hundreds, thousands, millions and billions no, not using a "dot" like in Vietnamese.

  • “A” can replace “one” and use “and” before the last number.

  • You need to add accents Hyphens represent numbers from 21 – 99.

  • Add “s” after the currency when the amount is greater than 1.

  • “Only” means even.

Let's look at these reading examples to understand better:

For example:

  • 1,000,000: One million Vietnam Dongs (only). (One hundred thousand even).

  • 8,969,000: Eight million nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand Vietnam dongs.

  • 55$ – Fifty-five dollars

  • 125€ – A hundred and twenty-five euros.

So with small amounts of money and many numbers, how should we read them? See below for tips:

3. How to read change in English

With Vietnamese currency, there is no odd number, but other countries' currencies do, so you also need to pay attention to this case. You can use the word “point” to separate even and odd numbers, or you can also divide the amount into smaller units for reading.

Tips for reading money in English very quickly and simply

For example:

  • $41.99 -> Pronounced as Forty-one point ninety-nine dollars.

Fourty-one dolars and ninety-nine cents.

  • €76.39 –> Seventy- six euros thirdty-nine.

4. Exceptions

  • 0.01$ = one cent = a penny.

  • 0.05$ = five cents = a nickel.

  • 0.1$ = ten cents = a dime.

  • 0.25$ = twenty-five cents = a quarter.

  • 0.5$ = fifty cents = half dollar (not so common a coin).

5. Important notes when reading odd currencies

To read the exact amount of change, we can follow 3 steps:

  • Step 1: round numbers before reading. The rule is that we only keep 2 digits in the odd part. The rounding principle is similar to the Vietnamese rule for rounding odd numbers.

  • Step 2: separate integer and odd parts for reading.

  • Step 3: finally combined to read.

For example:  643.686$

  • Rounded to: 643.69$

  • Read separately: 643 – Six hundred forty-three dollars and 69 – Sixty-nine cents.

  • 69$ Six hundred fourty-three dolars sixty-nine cents.

So with the above reading tips, you can read the amount of money quickly and accurately, no matter how small it is. Remember to practice reading numbers more so that you can communicate fluently .

Wishing you success in conquering English soon!