Three wrong ways to practice speaking English among Vietnamese students

Three wrong ways to practice speaking English among Vietnamese students

Most of the time when we start learning a new language, speaking skills are the things we can most easily practice. Everyone wants to be able to speak English fluently like a native speaker in a short time

But sometimes this haste causes us to make some big mistakes when speaking English. Let's find out what they are!

1. Main mistakes when speaking English

- Prepare your answers on paper in advance

When we are not completely confident in our speaking ability, almost everyone prepares a short paragraph on paper in advance and reads it again. This can help you prepare vocabulary and grammar carefully and accurately, but it will lose the inherent naturalness when speaking English. Rereading a piece of text is not good for your ability to develop ideas. And you will be completely dependent on what you have written. Therefore, you always have the feeling of memorizing and having to remember what you have prepared. This is one of the wrong ways to learn English speaking.

- Practice pronouncing each word as you speak

Practicing correct pronunciation is good, but you should not practice pronouncing each word while speaking. This makes your sentences fragmented, lacking connection, and uncomfortable throughout the conversation. Sometimes you just need to fully convey what you need to say to be much more effective. Take the time to practice pronunciation at another time, but when you speak English, fluency and continuity are important!

- Speak quickly to create a feeling of fluency

Contrary to the mistake above, many people deliberately speak faster to make the other person feel like they are speaking fluently. But this has consequences: you speak so fast that you swallow sounds, lose words, and have unclear pronunciation. Maybe native speakers may not completely understand what you are saying. This will only make your pronunciation more sloppy and careless!

2. How to practice speaking English correctly?

- Take time to practice pronunciation

Take enough time to practice pronunciation correctly. When you do this, pronunciation skills will be completely natural and become instinctive when you speak. You almost don't need to worry about this while speaking English anymore. To pronounce correctly, listening more and practicing speaking more is the best method.

- Preparing vocabulary and main ideas is better than the whole paragraph

If you are not yet confident in your ability, instead of preparing a whole passage to read, prepare the necessary vocabulary and the main points you will say. You will not be short of ideas and still have the freedom to develop what you can say. This does not force you to depend on a pre-existing script. This method also applies when you take English speaking exams.

Three wrong ways to practice speaking English among Vietnamese students

Three ways to practice speaking mistakes of Vietnamese students

- Maintain a steady speed and intonation

When speaking English, your speed needs to be steady and have appropriate intonation. Innotation is the most important requirement in English speaking skills. It is not enough to have correct pronunciation, enough vocabulary and grammar to be able to speak English fluently. Intonation when speaking will directly affect the quality of speech.

If you want to speak English fluently and naturally in a short time, you need to know the mistakes you are makingright and appropriate methods to improve them. Good luck!