Each major will have different related terms. To help you grasp basic terms for each major, EnglishTop will synthesize from many sources to help you supplement your own vocabulary.
In this article, we will learn these English terminology / vocabulary specialized in Taxation Please.
sale or exchange
sales tax: Tax levied on the value of the goods must be borne by the consumer
small business: small enterprise/business establishment
sole proprietor: private business owned by one person
special assessment
state taxes: State-mandated taxes
statute of limitations: Regulations on limitations
supporting documents: supporting documents
tangible personal property: Real estate belongs to individuals
tax (adjective)
tax (for general revenue)
tax(for special funds)
tax account information
tax auditor
tax bill
tax computation
tax dispute
tax evasion
tax form
tax liability: liability to pay taxes and tax debt
tax penalty
tax period: taxable period; tax payment deadline
tax policy
tax preparer
tax rate: tax rate; rate used to calculate taxes
tax relief: Tax refunded to taxpayers due to incorrect calculations or changes to details on tax records
tax return: Tax rates are exempted due to special reasons (natural disasters, no shared responsibility for tax debt on income sources belonging to others)
tax year
taxable: taxes may be required
taxpayer: taxpayers; tax preparer
taxpayer advocate: taxpayer advocate or advocate
term (time)
third party: third person; third member in a joint venture or organization
tip (advice): little tips; advice
tip (gratuity): Tip'; money for waiters and housekeepers; Bonuses to service providers
toll free (telephone): free telephone calls; Phone calls are free of charge
transferor (trusts): transferor (in trusts)
truck: truck; wagon
Above are these English terms and vocabulary related to Taxation. Let's continue along EnglishTop Learn more vocabulary about other majors. Wishing you happy studying.