Summary of IDIOMS Helps you achieve IELTS SPEAKING 8.0

Summary of IDIOMS Helps you achieve IELTS SPEAKING 8.0

Idioms are sentences/phrases used by native speakers in daily communication. If you want to communicate naturally or you are in need of IELTS test preparation, you definitely cannot miss it.

EnglishTop will classify Idioms according to different topics. And this time it will be thoseIdioms helps you get IELTS Speaking 8.0

1. A Penny for Your Thoughts

- For several minutes they sat silently, then finally she looked at him and said, “A penny for your thoughts, Walter.”

2. Against the clock

 Withher term paper due on Monday, she was racing against the clock to finish it

3. Lend an ear

–  If you have any problems, go to Claire. She’ll always lend a sympathetic ear.

4. On cloud nine

–   She just bought her first new car and she’s on cloud nine.

Summary of IDIOMS Helps you achieve IELTS SPEAKING 8.0

5. Bushed

- I am totally bushed after staying up so late.  

6. Hard feelings

–  I am sorry I have to fire you. No hard feelings, okay? 

7. Hit the hay

- t’s after 12 o’clock. I think it’s time to hit the hay.

8. Be sick to death of something/ do something

–  Feeling bored or dissatisfied because of something that happens too often
==> I’m sick to death of doing nothing but work. Let’s go out tonight and have fun.

9. (Come) rain or shine

– Something will come despite everything
==> I will be on time for the class, rain or shine. Come rain or shine, she is always smiling.

Summary of IDIOMS Helps you achieve IELTS SPEAKING 8.0

10. Be all ears

– Wash your ears and listen
==> I’m all ears, waiting to hear your latest excuse for not getting this job done!

11. In the nick of time

– Just in time
==> I got to the drugstore just in the nick of time. It’s a good thing, because I really need this medicine!

12. Fresh/ clean out of something

–  Completely running out of something
==> I have to go buy some more milk. It seems we’re fresh out now.

13. Have/ get mixed feelings about something

– Not sure about something
==> I have mixed feelings about my trip to England. I love the people, but the climate upsets me.

14. Give it one's best shot

- Try hard
==> This test question is really tough! I’ll give it my best shot, and I’ll get some marks for doing my best.

Summary of IDIOMS Helps you achieve IELTS SPEAKING 8.0

15. In deep water

–  Getting into a tricky situation
==> He has not submitted his dissertation so he’s in deep water.

16. Next to nothing

– Very low value
==> I went to the new discount store and bought these new shoes for only five dollars. That’s next to nothing!

17. To be up in arms about something

– Sad or angry about something
==> She has been UP IN ARMS about the rent increase.

18. Put yourself in somebody's shoes

– Put yourself in other people's shoes
==> If you put yourself in my shoes, you would understand why I made that decision

Summary of IDIOMS Helps you achieve IELTS SPEAKING 8.0

19. At all costs

– Any price
==> My dream is to become a successful businessman and I will work hard for it AT ALL COSTS

20. Full of beans

–  A lively, healthy, vibrant person.
==> I really enjoy being with my best friend because he is always full of beans.

Above are theIdioms helps you achieve IELTS Speaking 8.0.Let's EnglishTop Continue to explore idioms on other topics. Wish you all the best in your studies.