Each major will have different related vocabulary. To help you grasp basic vocabulary for each major, EnglishTop will synthesize from many sources to help you supplement your own vocabulary.
In this article, we will learn English vocabulary specialized in human resource management.
100 per cent premium payment: Pay 100%.
A system of shered values/ Meaning: Shared value/meaning system.
Absent from work: Take time off (absent from the office, not a full leave).
Adjusting pay rates: Adjust salary.
Administrator cadre /High rank cadre: Senior Management Staff.
Aggrieved employee: Staff are mistreated.
Air conflict: Open/public conflict.
Annual leave
Application Form: Job application form.
Apprenticeship training
Assessment of employee potential: Evaluate employee potential.
Behavioural norms: Behavioral standards.
Benchmark job: Standard work for salary calculation.
Career employee: Regular/Parameter employee.
Cognitive ability test: Test of cognitive ability.
Contractual employee.
Corporate philosophy.
Evaluation and follow-up: Evaluation and monitoring.
Manpower inventory: Human resource profile.
Performance appraisal data: Data to evaluate work performance.
The resource dependence model.
The shared aspect of culture: Shared cultural aspects.
A definite asset: 1 clear advantage.
Reorientation: Reintegration into the work environment.
Aiming: Ability to aim at the right location.
Appropriate status symbols.
Alternation Ranking method.
Audio visual technique.
Behavior modeling.
Blank (WAB): Space in the application form.
Board interview/Panel interview: Board interview.
Bottom-up approach: Method from lower level to higher level.
Buisiness games.
Bureaucratic: Bureaucracy, desk work.
Career planning and development
Case study: Management Dictionary/Case Studies.
Category A/Class A
Classroom lecture: Presentation in class.
Coaching: Tutoring.
Cognitive dissonance: Feeling out of tune.
Collective agreement.
Collective bargaining.
Combination of methods.
Comfortable working conditions.
Compensation equity: Equality in salary and benefits.
Competent supervision: Check skillfully.
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
Conflict tolerance: Accept contradictions.
Congenial co-workers.
Corporate culture: Elect company culture.
Correlation analysis.
Cost of living.
Cyclical variation.
Challenge: That's a challenge.
Daily worker: Daily employee.
Day care center: Child care center while parents work.
Death in service compensation: Compensation for death.
Delphi technique.
Directive interview.
Determinants: Determining factors.
Disciplinary action.
Disciplinary action process.
Drug testing.
Early retirement: Retire early.
Education assistance.
Emerson efficiency bonus payment: Pay for Performance Emerson.
Employee behavior.
Employee leasing.
Employee manual.
Employee recording: Employees record in work diary.
Employee referrals: Ask staff for referrals.
Employee relation services: Human resource correlation service.
Employee relations/Internal employee relation: Personnel relationship.
Employee service: Employee services.
Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP): Employee stock ownership plan.
Employment agency.
Employment interview/ In-depth interview: In-depth interview.
Entrepreneurial: Dynamic and creative.
Entry- level professionals: Entry level specialist.
Essay method: Evaluation method using narrative writing.
Esteem needs: The need to be respected.
Evaluation of application/ Review of application: Review applications.
External environment: External environment.
External equity: Equality compared to the outside.
Extreme behavior.
109 Family benefits.
Finalcial compensation: Salary and financial incentives.
Finalcial managerment: Financial Administration.
Finger dexterity: Finger dexterity.
Flex time: Flexible and flexible working hours.
Floater employee: Employees are floating, irregular.
Forecasting/Foresee or Forecast: Forecast.
Formal system: Official system.
Former employees.
Gain sharing payment or the halsey premium plan: Haley Plan/bonus prorated pay.
Gantt task anh Bonus payment: Basic salary plus bonus.
General environment.
General knowledge tests.
Going rate/wege/ Prevailing rate.
Graphic rating scales method.
Graphology: Department of writing research.
Grievance procedure: Procedures for resolving complaints.
Gross salary: Gross salary (Not including taxes).
Group appraisal.
Group emphasis: Focus on the group.
Group incentive plan/Group incentive payment.
Group interview.
Group life insurance.
Above are English vocabulary related to the Human Resources Management major. Let's continue along EnglishTop Learn more vocabulary about other majors. Wishing you happy studying.