Each major will have different related vocabulary. To help you grasp basic vocabulary for each major, EnglishTop will synthesize from many sources to help you supplement your own vocabulary.
In this article, we will learn English vocabulary specialized in Import-Export.
Container /kê'teina/
Customs /´kʌstəmz/: Import tax and customs
Cargo /’kɑ:gou/: Goods, shipments, transport goods
Debit /ˈdɛbɪt/
Merchandize /mə:tʃən¸daiz/: Goods bought and sold
Import /im´pɔ:t/
Export /iks´pɔ:t/: Export goods(n), export(v)
Tax(n) /tæks/
Shipment(n) /´ʃipmənt/
Declare /di'kleə/
Quay /ki:/
Freight /freit/: Goods carried on board, freight
Premium /'pri:miəm/: Bonuses, interest, insurance premiums
Wage /weiʤ/
Tonnage /´tʌnidʒ/: Freight, freight, tonnage, water displacement
Irrevocable /i’revəkəbl/
Invoice /ˈɪnvɔɪs/
Payment /'peim(ə)nt/
Indebtedness /in´detidnis/
Certificate /satifikit/
F.a.s. free alongside ship: Transportation costs to port but do not include loading costs on board.
F.o.b. free on board: The seller is responsible until the goods have been loaded onto the ship
C.&F. (cost & freight): Includes merchandise price and freight but does not include insurance
C.I.F. (cost, insurance & freight): Includes commodity price, insurance and freight
Packing list
Certificate of indebtedness
Premium for double option
Additional premium: Secondary insurance premium, additional insurance premium
Insurance premium
Loan at call: Non-term loan, non-term loan.
Unsecured insurance: Unsecured loan, no collateral.
Cargo deadweight tonnage
Graduated interest debebtures: Bonds bear progressive interest
Debit advice
Actual wages
Above are English vocabulary related to the import-export industry. Let's continue along EnglishTop Learn more vocabulary about other majors. Wishing you happy studying.