Summary of English vocabulary about movies

Summary of English vocabulary about movies

Are you a movie enthusiast but can't name or express the movies in English? Every time you want to comment or describe a movie, you don't have enough vocabulary to say it?

1. English vocabulary about film genres

• Action: Action movie. These movies often have lots of fighting, chasing, and violence. For example, Indiana Jones, Lethal Weapon, Mission Impossible...

• Animated: Animation - a genre that is drawn and recreated, then voices characters such as Finding Nemo, Up...

• Comedy: Comedy movies like The Hangover, Blazing Saddles, Annie Hall.

• Documentary: Documentary film, made to provide information about a specific issue or event. This type of film often uses interviews, events and some other journalistic techniques. Example: Food, Inc, An Inconvenient Truth, 13th...

• Drama: This is a word that refers to a movie with many details, climaxes, and diverse themes. For example: Precious, Crash, Good Will Hunting...

• Historical: Historical films, usually films about a specific, real event or time period in history such as: 12 Years a Slave, Titanic, Hurt Locker...

• Horror or Thriller: Horror film. This genre contains horror, gore and violence such as: The Shining, The Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, Seven...

• Romantic comedy: Romantic comedies (sometimes called "rom-coms") deal with emotional themes, but incorporate many humorous, light-hearted details. For example: The Wedding Planner, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Valentine’s Day...

• Science fiction: Science fiction movies are often set in the future when humans achieve unimaginable scientific achievements or aliens appear such as: Star Trek, Interstellar, Star Wars...

Summary of English vocabulary about movies

2. English vocabulary describing a movie

Sometimes, the words "good" and "bad" are not enough to evaluate the whole movie. The following words may be useful to you:

• Some words also have a negative tone: "awful", "terrible", "boring", "predictable", "overrated"...

• Some words have positive meanings: "great", "well done", "awesome", "informative"...

3. Questions and answers when talking about a movie

  • Have you seen any good movies lately?

With this question, you can talk about the last movie you watched or another movie in the past few weeks. Here are some ways you can respond:

- Yes, I just saw the new Leonardo DiCaprio film .

- No, I've been quite busy with work. Have you?

  • Did you like it?

This is a question form "Yes/No", so you should start your answer with one of these two words. Besides, because the question is in the past tense (watching the movie has finished), remember to conjugate the verb when answering.

- Yeah, I liked it.

- No, I didn’t like it very much.

  • What did you think about the movie?

This is an opinion question so you can start answering with the following phrases:

- I thought that...

- I feel like...

- It was + adjective in item 2 (It was real).

  • In my opinion...

Summary of English vocabulary about movies

  • What was it about?

This question asks about what happened in the movie. However, do not reveal the ending, this is polite so that others can watch the movie without losing their emotions.

You can answer this question in two ways:

- Description of events: "There is a girl who sees only the past through one eye and the future through the other. She can't see the present moment. The movie shows her troubles".

- Theme description: "The movie was about a girl who saw only the past through one eye and only the future through the other. But I actually think it was commenting on our society today and how we don't take the time to be present in the moment"

  • What else would you recommend?

Finally, give advice to the questioner. Maybe you think they are not suitable to watch this type of movie or give them some notes if they want to watch the movie you just mentioned.

- Give "Castaway" a try.

- I do not know. If you don't like war movies, you might not like "Hurt Locker". 

Above is a summary of English vocabulary as well as sample questions and answers when talking about a movie. Wish you all good study!