Summary of 18 Phrasal Verbs that go with the most basic Take

Summary of 18 Phrasal Verbs that go with the most basic Take

Phrasal Verbs in English can be said to be one of the most “difficult” aspects of English.

Summary of Phrasal verbs that go with Take


1. Take sth away: to take away, to lose, …

The thief has already taken the car away.

Don't you dare taking my money away from me.

2. Take sb in: To deceive someone

His sweet words almost took her in.

You can't take me in.

3. Take sth back: Take something back, take back what you said

I need to take my book back.

Remember once I said you were a fool? I take it back.

4. Take sb aback: To make someone shocked (negatively)

Her words really took me aback.

Don't take your mother back with your grade.

5. Take after sb:Looks like someone older in the family

He takes after his father in playing guitar.

She takes after her sister in her manner.

Summary of 18 Phrasal Verbs that go with the most basic Take

6. Take sth down: Note something, destroy, destroy, ...

To stenograph, you will have to take down what is important.

You can take a whole city down with one nuclear missile.

7. Take it out on sb: Angry at someone

Don't take it out on me, it wasn't my fault.

Taking it out on someone else seems to be her hobby.

8. Take off: Get ahead, advance quickly (“flourish”)

The plane will take off at 2 p.m, so we have to hurry.

Her career has taken off with the help of Mr. Watson.

9. Take sth over: Appropriate, control, …

The enemy has taken over the entire city.

He wants to take over the whole managing machinery.

10. Take sth off: Take off

Please take off your shoes to enter the pagoda.

Take your shirt off, it's all wet.

11. Take sth out of sth:Take something out of something

Take your book out of your bag, please.

We need to take the children out of the building.

12. Take sb out: Take someone out

Would you like me to take you out tonight?

It's date night, he's gonna take her out.

13. Take sb off: Imitate someone's gestures

Don’t take me off, it’s not funny.

Look, the monkey is taking him off.

14. Take sth apart: Take something apart,…

To fix your bike, we need to take it apart.

Taking the whole system apart is the only way to solve this problem.

Summary of 18 Phrasal Verbs that go with the most basic Take

15. Take to sb/sth: Feeling interested in someone/something

I started taking to you.

She seems to take to photography.

16. Take up sth: Occupies a period of time and space

It will take up a lot of space to put this table into the living room.

Going from Hanoi to HaiPhong will take up about 3 hours on car.

17. Be taken with sb/sth: Finding someone/something attractive or interesting

She was taken with his humor.

Everybody is taken with the singer.

18. Take sth up with sb: What to complain about?

They are taking the dirty water up with the building manager.

He is going to take his neighbor up with the police for being noisy at night.