Mistakes in English are difficult to avoid during the learning process. Mistakes in English, especially mispronunciations, will lead to many consequences when you take English exams.
Below are 18 common English words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations that need special attention when speaking
/tɛr/ (verb): tear.
For example: Please don't tear my clothes!
/tɪr/ (noun): tears.
For example: I won't cry a tear for you.
/riːd/ (v0, v1): Verb read in present tense.
/rɛd/ (v2,v3): Verb read used in past tenses.
/lɪv/ (verb): live
For example: I live in New York.
/laɪv/ (adjective, adverb): direct.
For example: Ho Ngoc Ha's live concert
/wɪnd/ (noun): wind.
For example: There has been strong wind in Saigon.
/waɪnd/ (verb): twist, bend, rotate, change direction, wind up, etc.
For example: Wind the lipstick up if you want to use it.
/wuːnd/ (noun): wound.
For example: I want someone to heal my wound.
/waʊnd/ (verb): past tense of the verb wind above. I've wound up my watch again.
/boʊ/ (noun): bow, bow.
For example: I like that little bow of yours, lady!
/baʊ/ (verb): bow (greet).
For example: Japanese people usually bow when meeting each other.
/roʊ/ (noun): row (antonym of column) (v).
For example: Do you want to row a boat?
/raʊ/ (noun and verb): quarrel.
For example: My parents usually have rows.
/ˈsuːər/ (noun): tribute.
For example: Sewers in Saigon have been working hard these rainy days.
/ˈsoʊər/ (noun): tailor.
For example: I'm looking for a better sewer.
/ɪkˈskjuːz/ (verb): apologize.
For example: Excuse me? Can I kiss you, please?
/ɪkˈskjuːs/ (noun): defense.
For example: Don't make up excuses when you're late. Late is late.
/liːd/ (verb): lead.
For example: Smoking may lead to lung cancer.
/lɛd/ (noun): lead element.
For example: Lead is a toxic chemical.
There are also a set of heteronyms that differ in the placement of stress.
PROject (noun): project.
For example: Let's discuss the project.
proJECT (verb) predict.
For example: Prices are projected to increase in the next 2 months.
IMport (noun): imported goods.
For example: Vietnam puts high tax on car imports.
imPORT (verb): import.
For example: Vietnam usually imports cars from Japan.
(similar export)
CONtract (noun): contract.
For example: We signed the contract yesterday.
conTRACT (verb) contract (in stretch).
For example: Metal contracts when it's cold.
PERfect (adjective): perfect.
For example: It's a perfect plan.
perFECT (verb) perfect.
For example: We need to perfect our products before introducing to customers.
ATtribute (noun): quality
For example: Vietnamese women have four attributes.
atTRIbute (verb) attribute
For example: Flooded streets in Saigon are attributed to the ineffective sewer system.
CONtent (noun): content
For example: Table of contents.
conTENT (verb) to please
For example: Having no milk, we content ourselves with coffee.
OBject (noun) object
For example: UFO: unidentified flying object.
obJECT (verb): object.
For example: We object to the law.
Record (noun): record.
For example: Hoang Xuan Vinh's made a new record for Vietnam.
reCORD (verb): record sound/image.
For example: Let's record a song together.
With the above words with different meanings, we hope you can use them confidently when communicating in English to avoid confusion. Practice with friends to remember these alternative sentence patterns longer.
Wishing you success in conquering English soon!