Master English communication situations over the phone

Master English communication situations over the phone

Do you think that one day we will have to communicate with native speakers over the phone? Absolutely yes! And it would be sad if you don't know how to use sentence patterns.

In fact, everything will go extremely smoothly if you have the following communication situations in hand!

1. Call and ask to meet someone

  • May I speak to Mr.Hung, please?

  • Is Mr. Hung there?

  • I'd like to speak to Mr. Hung, please!

2. If you are the right person to meet

  • Speaking

  • This is he/she

  • I am Mr. Hung.

3. When you want to request the identity of the caller

  • Who's calling?

  • Who's this?

  • May I have your name, please?

  • Your name, please?

  • May I ask who's calling?

Master English communication situations over the phone

Master English communication situations over the phone

4. A few initial greetings and inquiries

Before starting the conversation, you should greet the person on the phone to show respect.

  • How are you?

  • What’s new?

  • What's happening?

  • Fine, thanks. How about you?

  • What have you been up to?

  • Nothing much. What about you?

  • How everybody?

  • How’s work/school/your family?

5. Some structure keeps the conversation going

  • It’s so nice to hear from you!

  • I haven’t heard from you in ages.

  • I’ve been thinking of giving you a call.

  • I've been trying to get in touch with you.

  • You’ve been on my mind recently.

  • I thought I would give you a call and see how you're doing.

  • Did I wake you up? I'm sorry.

  • Am I interrupting something?

  • I hope I am not interrupting dinner.

  • Should I call back?

  • I'll call back later.

  • I’ll call back later this morning/afternoon/evening.

  • I'll call back in ten minutes.

  • How early may I call?

  • How late can I call? 

  • Give me a call when you are free.

Master English communication situations over the phone

Master English communication situations over the phone

6. Reject/delay calls and call back later:

I have some visitors right now
It sounds like someone is at the door. Can I call you later?
Let me call you back in ten minutes.
Sorry, but I can’t talk now.
I am busy at the moment.
I’ll be back around eight’s o’clock. Can you call then?
Just a second. Please.
Hold on a second

7. What if you get a call and you're not the person they want to see?

I’ll get her/him

I’ll tell her/him you’re calling.

She/he is out right now.

She/he hasn’t come home yet.

She/he isn’t at home right now/at the moment.

She/he is still at work.

8. Leave a message for someone you haven't reached by phone yet?

I’d like to leave a message.

Please tell her/him that I called.

Please tell her/him that I’ll call again.

9. Answer/apologize to a wrong call:

You have the right number but the wrong party

There I no one here by that name.

Sorry, but you must have the wrong number.

I’m sorry, I must have the wrong number.

Sorry, to have bothered you.

Above are the most common structures used when communicating on the phone, helping you feel confident in any situation. Please remember them by heart because who knows, maybe there will be an occasion when you need to use them?

Wish you learn English effectively!