Losing confidence when communicating in English - what to do?

Losing confidence when communicating in English - what to do?

Communicating in English is one of the top goals to be achieved in any English learning process.

However, to communicate in English well, we not only need vocabulary, standard pronunciation, intonation, and voice but also need confidence to communicate in English. This is inherently the easiest but also the most difficult thing, because if you are confident, everything will be extremely simple, but if you lose confidence, everything is just meaningless!

So what to do to improve your self-confidence? The following article will introduce you to extremely cool methods to become more "confident"!

1. Practice confident thinking - Confidently communicate in English

Confidence does not come from methods but from thoughts. The reason you are always worried is because you think you will fail, you will become a laughing stock... Even when communicating in English, you worry that you will pronounce wrongly, speak incorrectly, or use incorrect grammar, which will make your opponents angry. Phuong is bored... Put those thoughts out of your head immediately! Because we are Vietnamese people learning English, it is completely normal for you to say something wrong. This action is not shameful nor does it judge your abilities. Think of yourself as just chatting and practicing! And express what you have in the most natural manner.

2. Practice confidence every day - Confidently communicate in English

Confidence is a God-given virtue. There are people who are born very confident and calm in all situations, but there are also people who are not like that. You are afraid when you have to speak in front of the class, you feel nervous when you have to present in front of a crowd, you are embarrassed when you publicly show your abilities to others,... these are signs of lack of confidence. To improve this, you need to practice to train yourself to be confident when appearing in front of people. You can join a volunteer program, volunteer to give presentations or sign up for a life skills course... You can also take more care of your appearance, paying attention to your clothes and hair is also important. a way to increase confidence. For English, spend some time practicing speaking to yourself in front of the mirror every day or find close friends to talk to. Confidence is also a virtue that you can practice!

Losing confidence when communicating in English - what to do?

3. Continuously improve knowledge - Confidently communicate in English

One of the main factors for confidence when communicating is knowledge. When you have knowledge, you know your pronunciation is correct, good, and your intonation is good, you will no longer worry about saying the wrong thing. And so you will dare to speak more, dare to communicate with native speakers without having to be afraid of yourself anymore. Getting better is the key to being more confident.

4. Improve body language – Confidently communicate in English

Besides voice, body language is also extremely important. Every day, stand in front of the mirror and practice eye contact, using your eyes to communicate and convey emotions. Or practice the necessary gestures and gestures when English communication. These will further support your confidence!

5. Overcome personal challenges - Confidently communicate in English

For some of you, being able to confidently talk to foreigners is a challenge. You excitedly go to Hoan Kiem Lake with the intention of talking to "West", but when you see them, all your courage disappears. You wonder if they are willing to talk, if they are bothered, if they laugh at you... The answer is: Don't think too much! You will not be able to achieve what you want if you are always afraid and on guard. Try approaching, speak first and wait to see the results. What you get won't be bad! Learning to overcome yourself is essential to success!

Losing confidence when communicating in English - what to do?

With the above methods, hopefully you will become more confident when communicating in English with native speakers! Good luck!