Immediately cure the disease of forgetting English vocabulary thoroughly for goldfish brain

Immediately cure the disease of forgetting English vocabulary thoroughly for goldfish brain

If you are still worried about the situation of "learning first and forgetting later", this is the optimal solution for you!

1. When the disease "forgetting vocabulary" makes you depressed?

You often complain about the fact that we can't remember vocabulary for more than 3 days. At first, everyone was very excited about the plan to create 10 new words every day. This equates to 3650 new words per year. What an admirable number! But everything changes when on day 4, you almost forget everything you learned on day 1. And you think you are going in the wrong direction. Or I have absolutely no talent for learning English. And you give up! There are many people who still defend that: actually, I study well, I just don't understand why I keep forgetting!!!

Don't let yourself give up for such silly reasons. In fact, you are not incompetent or incapable of English. You just don't have the right method yet! You need a new way to learn that is smarter and many times more effective than simply memorizing. And you also need your own method to keep your "goldfish" memory from forgetting so quickly!

2. Treatment methods

- Screening new words

This is a method that helps you eliminate words you already know. Screening this word is very easy. You just need to make a list of words you will learn within 1 day. Then cross out the words you already know. When you memorize the next few words, if you are sure of any word, use a pencil to cross it out. You continue like that until you can remember all the vocabulary. You can spend more time memorizing difficult vocabulary and memorization of words also lasts longer. No need to spend a lot of time focusing on 20 vocabulary words, you just need to focus on 10, then 5, then 3 words! This way of learning has been scientifically proven to be extremely effective for the brain, especially for memory ability.

- Take the test at the right time

This theory is based on “Tony Buzan's Principle of timely reminders”. You always worry because you will forget new words after only 3-4 days. And you quickly get bored. That's because you don't know how to review at the right time. Our brains always have immutable rules. Perhaps only at that time can the brain remember best. This method indicates that you should review vocabulary after 1 day, 7 days and 30 days of studying. Those are the most reasonable times for you not to forget what you have learned. Spending the first 15 - 20 minutes of each class session to review what happened the previous day is also a good way. That's why teachers always let their students review old lessons before and after lessons.

Immediately cure the disease of forgetting English vocabulary thoroughly for goldfish brain

How to completely cure "forgetfulness" for goldfish brain

- Match words into sentences

To not forget what you have learned, make as many sentences as possible. You can create your own suitable situations using that vocabulary. Then keep repeating them in your head. Science has proven that knowledge that can be put into practice is always remembered longer than theoretical knowledge. So let's give new words a chance to be used. When you can use them in many contexts, you will remember them extremely well. This method is also a good way to increase vocabulary memory.

Chasing after new things is not necessarily the best method. Sometimes practice is also an important part of our journey to success.