How to learn English well

How to learn English well

Experts say that if you want to improve your English level quickly, learners must make efforts and practice intensely, because knowledge and skills do not come naturally, but must be discovered on their own. , learn to summarize effective learning methods.

Before we get into the problem How to learn English wellThen everyone needs to answer the following questions: Why do you want to learn English, What is your purpose of learning English?
This is very important, because it will give you motivation to overcome difficulties. Therefore, you must consider carefully because learning English does not happen in a day or two, but it is a long journey with perseverance and persistent effort to get results.

If you have determined your goal of learning English, then look for ways learn English well and effective right here.

How to learn English well

1. Combine learning all 4 skills Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing

You should learn all four skills Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing evenly because these skills have a special connection. In the process of learning English, you must follow a certain order. You must listen first, then practice reading and repeating what you hear until you are proficient. Then, you listen again and write down what you hear, which is a smart learning process that is highly appreciated by many experts. Each skill will have small skills accompanying it, for example in the skill speaking will have pronunciation skills. If you learn the small skills well, it will help you perfect your overall skills.

How to learn English well

+ For listening skills: Listen as much as possible, anywhere, from any source: listen to the radio, listen to music, watch TV, watch movies,… remember to include English subtitles.

+ For speaking skills: Learn to pronounce correctly, speak at the right time, then you will listen well and convey your ideas to the listener accurately. While listening, imitate the character's lines, you can listen and repeat many times until you are familiar with the words.

+ For reading skills: Learn vocabulary selectively, learn common words and learn phrases and idioms, do not learn simple words or dead words. Then you will know how to use words in different contexts. Improving vocabulary not only supports reading skills but also the other three skills.

+ For writing skills: Pay attention to grammar and to improve grammar, you must go through each lesson: vocabulary, sentence patterns, conversation practice, listening and speaking, reading and writing. At that time, you will firmly grasp the grammar and how to use words in sentences.

So, if anyone still doesn't know, how to learn English well Then understand the combined learning method mentioned above and make a specific schedule from now on, that is the framework for you to stick to.

2. To learn English well, you need to practice every day

Don't just learn from books, but apply what you learn to real life.

People can practice their listening skills by listening to their favorite programs in English, watching movies, and listening to music.

Or to improve speaking skills, you can practice by exchanging and chatting in English with friends, teachers, or even talking to yourself about any topic, regularly participating in English clubs to help yourself speak fluently, naturally, and confidently.

If you don't have time, go to a reputable center to study. In EnglishTop You can always check your entry level and get advice to find the right course. Try it now!

How to learn English well

To improve your reading skills, every day read any documents, books, magazines, novels, stories or simply read the menu at a restaurant,... in English. But note that when you come across words you don't know, don't look them up in the dictionary. But you just read and try to guess their meaning. This will help you practice your guessing skills and improve your communication skills.

You can practice writing skills by practicing writing short stories, writing diaries or writing emails and letters in English. You can practice writing every day by asking questions and writing your own answers.

In short, the problem of how to learn English well, the important thing is your own perseverance and effort. Take advantage of every opportunity to contact and practice English every day, that is the most effective method of learning English today.

If you don't have time to study, go to English centers

If you are a busy person, working in the office or busy with family work and don't have much time to learn English alone, then find a reputable, quality English center to study!

Hopefully, the above shares have helped everyone know how how to learn English well.

Good luck!