English is a fun language to learn, but learning it quickly can seem like a massive challenge. Here are 10 tips for how to learn English faster.
Classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers, websites, emails, your social media feed, cereal boxes: if it's in English, read it. Why? Well, this content will be filled with exciting new vocabulary, as well as a fair amount of vocabulary you already know. This helps you progress quickly because re-exposure to learned vocabulary will give you new examples in context, thus reinforcing those words in your mind. On the other hand, learning new words and expressions is essential to building your vocabulary, especially in a language with so many words like English! However, don't just read and move on – next, you have to…
This tip is a classic for good reason: it works! When studying, we often enjoy a new word so much that forgetting it seems impossible. But trust us, not everything works out the first time. To combat this, get into the habit of carrying a fun notebook or using a tool like Evernote. Whenever you hear or read a new word or expression, write it down in context: that is, in a sentence and note its meaning. This saves you time because you won't have to go back to that word and ask yourself, “What does that word/expression mean?”
What is language for if not for communication? Surely, we humans have become experts at communicating without opening our mouths – thanks Whatsapp! – but when the going gets tough, the truth is that speaking a language will stick in your head much better than just reading or writing it. Think about how many times you've heard people say they "understand but don't speak English". Many people who are able to speak English turn speaking into an insurmountable barrier that only demoralizes them. Don't be like that. Find native speakers for an informal language exchange, sign up for a course or take online classes.
Like humor? Politics? Blogging? Cooking? With topics covering every interest imaginable, there's an English-speaking Youtube channel or podcast for you. Subscribe to a few channels and listen while driving or watch on the way to school or work. You may find the native accent difficult at first, but persevere and you'll soon understand what you hear (and learn lots of new vocabulary from native speakers!)
If there's a better way to learn English than immersing yourself in it while living and studying in an English-speaking country, we'd love to know! It's no secret that English is the most widely spoken language in the world and with a long list of countries to choose from, you can choose your ideal study environment based on hemisphere, weather or favorite city. Think Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Canada and South Africa to name a few!
Do you have friends who post online in English? Don't ignore them in your news feed: scan through the items they share and commit to discovering one or two each day. They can be news or magazine articles, videos, talks, blog posts, songs or anything else: if it's in English and the topic interests you, then it helps!
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it also motivates language learners to become fluent! When learning English, you will soon collect a mountain of questions. Don't sit on your doubts - be curious and address them! If you've signed up for a course, ask your teacher (what are they there for, after all). But if you study alone, don't worry: look for answers on blogs or language websites, ask other learners, or read through forums. You'll be glad you did!
Mix up your studies by choosing a native English-speaking actor or singer you like. Now go online, find a bunch of interviews they've given – and watch them! Watch it once to get the main idea, then watch it again, taking time to jot down interesting expressions and words you hear. The slang, stories, humor and anecdotes from this interview will definitely give you plenty to work with!
Your English learning will likely progress a lot faster if you constantly remind yourself of your motivation for learning. Are you going on a study exchange? Then, focus on vocabulary related to your learning. Having a conference abroad? Find a conversation starter to use with other participants. Taking a year off? It seems that the vocabulary of travel and tourism will be your guide. If you just start learning English hoping to magically learn anything and everything at once, you'll probably end up confused and exhausted. This brings us to…
When you start to feel like you don't have a solid foundation - which happens to all learners from time to time - don't say, “I don't speak English” or “I'll never understand this.” In fact, ban those phrases from your vocabulary! They only cloud your understanding of the progress you are making and convince you that your dream of speaking English well is impossible. Instead, say “I am learning English and improving every day”, “It is not always easy but it is worth it”, “I am much better than I was six months ago” and so on. Another phrase to remind yourself of the big picture.