If you have studied English for many years but still do not grasp the English vocabulary on the topic Human body, then this article is for you. Because EnglishTop will reveal to you all the vocabulary for parts of the human body.
One of the best ways to remember English vocabulary is to break it down into groups. Based on each group, you can learn vocabulary better. Down here, EnglishTop will guide you through the list of English vocabulary most popular on the topic of people. Don't forget to follow!
- About the body
Face (feɪs)
Neck (nɛk)
Chin (ʧɪn)
Mouth (maʊθ)
Arm (ɑːm)
Shoulder (in ˈʃəʊl)
Armpit (ˈɑːmpɪt)
Chest (ʧɛst)
Elbow (ˈɛlbəʊ)
Upper arm (ˈʌpər ɑːm)
Abdomen (ˈæbdəmɛn)
Thigh (θaɪ)
Knee (ni)
Waist (weɪst)
Back (brook)
Buttocks (ˈbʌtəks)
Leg (lɛg)
Calf (kɑːf)
- Back to hand
Fingernail (ˈfɪŋgəneɪl)
Palm (pɑːm)
Ring finger (rɪŋ ˈfɪŋgə)
Index finger (ˈɪndɛks ˈfɪŋgə)
Thumb: (θʌm)
Little finger (ˈlɪtl ˈfɪŋgə)
Knuckle (ˈnʌkl): Knuckle joint
Wrist (rɪst)
- About the legs
Big toe (bɪg təʊ)
Toenail (ˈtəʊneɪl)
Toe (təʊ)
Instep (ˈɪnstɛp)
Ball (bɔːl)
Ankle (ˈæŋkl)
Heel (hiːl)
Little toe (ˈlɪtl təʊ)
- Back to the beginning
Hair (heə)
Ear (ɪə)
Jaw (ʤɔ)
Nostril (ˈnɒstrɪl)
Lip (lɪp)
Tongue (tʌŋ)
Tooth (tuːθ)
Eyelid (ˈaɪlɪd): A little
Eyebrow (ˈaɪbraʊ)
Jaw (ʤɔ)
Sideburns (ˈsaɪdbɜːnz)
Forehead (ˈfɒrɪd)
Iris (ˈaɪərɪs)
Part (pɑːt): Parted hair
Mustache (məsˈtɑːʃ)
Beard (bɪəd)
- Internal parts
Heart (hɑːt)
Brain (breɪn)
Intestines (ɪnˈtɛstɪnz)
Throat (θrəʊt)
Muscle (ˈmʌsl)
Liver (ˈlɪve)
Esophagus (i(ː)ˈsɒfəgəs)
Lung (lʌŋ)
Stomach (ˈstʌmək)
Muscle (ˈmʌsl)
Windpipe (ˈwɪndpaɪp)
Spinal cord (ˈspaɪnl kɔːd)
Pancreas (ˈpæŋkrɪəs)
After getting hold of the set English vocabulary On the topic of the Human Body, don't forget to practice a lot by asking questions! This is a way for you to remember vocabulary longer and understand the context in which it is used. Let's find out!
- Vocabulary phrases about parts of the human body
Have you ever wondered what actions like nodding, crossing arms... are in English? This is definitely a question that many people are especially interested in. Down here, EnglishTop will reveal to you some of the most popular and most applied vocabulary phrases in practice!
Blink your eyes
Shrug your shoulders
Cross your arms
Raise an eyebrow
Shake your head
Roll your eyes
Nod your head
Turn your head
Cross your legs
Give the thumbs up
Give the thumbs down
Stick out your tongue
Blow nose
- Some sample sentences with the above phrases:
To show her agreement, she often gives her thumb up
The teacher gives homework, while all the students shake their heads
He often winks at Linda
I asked Linda if she met Jack, but she shook her head
Don’t stick your tongue out while I’m talking to you, Ken.
- Conversation samples
To memorize clusters English vocabulary It's not difficult, all you need to do is spend time learning vocabulary according to conversation patterns. Surely communication skills will improve very quickly.
A: Hello, did you see your new student in your class?
B: I didn’t really care
A: Unfortunately, she is really beautiful.
B: Describe me about her
A: She is very tall
B: Good, how tall is she?
A: Probably 150 cm
B: Are her legs long?
A: It’s too long, surely you can become a supermodel later
B: What does her face look like?
A: She has long hair, round face and brown eyes
B: Brown eyes?
A: That’s right, she is a mixed race. The nose is high and straight
B: That’s great. Is that girl over there?
A: That’s right, new student of my class.
This article summarizes English vocabulary on the topic of the human body EnglishTop Select and divide into small sections to help you learn easier. You can easily memorize vocabulary and apply it fluently. Save and practice today to remember vocabulary better! Surely your English vocabulary will improve significantly.