English vocabulary about birds

English vocabulary about birds

Let's learn English vocabulary about bird names with EnglishTop!

  • Crow /krou/  The Crow

For example: Crows are black.

  • Peacock /'pi:kɔk/

For example: There’s a peacock in the courtyard.

  • Dove /dʌv/

For example: The dove is a symbol of peace.

  • Sparrow /´spærou/  Sparrow

For example: The sparrow has a worm in its beak

  • Goose /gu:s/  The female goose

For example: It was a wild goose chase

  • Ostrich /´ɔstritʃ/  African Ostrich

For example: The ostrich has wings, but it cannot fly.

  • Pigeon /'pɪdʒɪn/

For example: Have you ever seen a baby pigeon?

  • Turkey /ˈtɜrki/  Turkey

For example: A turkey is a little bigger than a chicken.

  • Hawk /hɔ:k/ Hawk, Falcon

For example: Hawks are birds of prey

  • Bald eagle

For example: A bald eagle is a large white – headed eagle

  • Raven /'reivn/  The Crow

For example: It’s a raven.

  • Parrot /´pærət/  Parrot

For example: A parrot can imitate human speech.

  • Flamingo /flə´miηgou/ Flamingos

For example: A flamingo was etched on his shirt.

  • Seagull /ˈsiː.ɡʌl/

For example: Tom seems to enjoy just sitting on the dock and watching the seagulls.

  • Swallow /'swɔlou/  Swallow

For example: Look! Swallows are flying in the sky!

  • Blackbird /´blæk¸bə:d / Chim Two

For example: The blackbird is found in every country of Europe.

  • Penguin

For example: There were penguin footprints in the sand.

  • Robin /´rɔbin/

For example: A robin is easy to identify because of its red breast.

  • Swan /swɒn/

For example: All swans are white

  • Owl /aʊl/  The Owl

For example: Owls have big eyes.

  • Stork /stɔrk/

For example: A stork flew slowly past

  • Woodpecker /´wud¸pekə/

For example: The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree.

English vocabulary about birds