Idioms and proverbs play an important role in spoken and written English, helping speakers express themselves naturally. Below are proverbs about love in English, with the meaning of advising and guiding people to good values.
Meaning "the shortest way to a man's heart is through his stomach", this saying means that a man will love a woman who can cook well. So if a woman wants to conquer a man, cook him delicious dishes.
Translated as "there is no difference between a smart person and a fool when it comes to love", the above saying implies that when people fall in love, their hearts will always win over their minds. Love can push people to do foolish things.
The above proverb expresses the fact that when they are apart, lovers will miss each other even more, thereby advising each person to spend time with and cherish their loved ones while they still have the chance.
This famous saying first appeared in the poem "Isles of Beauty" written by poet Thomas Haynes in 1844. The opposite of the above proverb is "out of sight, out of mind". .
"Two shorten the road" originates from Ireland, meaning that when two people in love travel together, no matter how long the road is, it will be shortened. It also suggests that life will be more enjoyable if each person has a trustworthy companion, especially a loved one.
Native speakers often use the proverb "opposites attract" when talking about two people in love but with opposite personalities, interests or circumstances. It means "opposite magnets will attract each other".
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" or "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" is a famous love proverb. This saying is often used when a person cannot find a reason why they love another person. In this case, "beauty" can be the beauty, intelligence, personality or unique features of the loved one.
Like "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" (the heart craves what it desires) is used when it is impossible to explain why two people love each other.
With the meaning "love is blind", this proverb says that love always blinds the people involved, making them unable to see the other person's shortcomings. "Love is blind" is often used by outsiders, people who clearly see the bad points in the relationship that the two people in love do not realize.
"All you need is love" is both the lyrics and the title of a famous song composed in 1967 by the band The Beatles. Nowadays, this saying is used when talking about the topic of love. "All you need is love" reminds that in life, nothing is as important as giving and receiving love.
"Love conquers all" is the meaning of the above proverb. It implies that love can overcome all difficulties and win in all challenges.
"Love will find a way" means that lovers will find a way to overcome all obstacles to be together.
"Love makes the world go round" means love makes the earth turn. Native speakers use this proverb to advise each other that life will be better if people treat each other kindly.
"Love knows no bounds" means love has no limits. This proverb implies that true love cannot be constrained or broken at any cost.
EnglishTop hope sentences proverbs about love in English The above will be useful for you. Wishing you a sweet and happy love!