Eliminate the fear of English once and for all

Eliminate the fear of English once and for all

The fear of English appears in many people, it is like a pathological obsession.

Whenever English is mentioned, you just want to hide and avoid it because of your weakness. Many people are actually not that bad, but because they are too afraid, they never dare to say a word. This mentality makes many people hesitate, procrastinate and finally surrender to fate.

It's time for a revolution to eliminate this scary mentality! How will it be done?

1. Don't avoid it

The way to overcome a fear is to face it head-on. If you don't give yourself the opportunity to approach, how can you escape? Avoiding it forever is not a good way, on the contrary it will discourage you. Face your fear of English with a gradual approach. At first you may just listen – a fairly passive form. Then practice pronunciation, imitate speech and say some simple sentences. First of all, you have to dive into the field that you are not ready for.

2. Find the cause of your fear

During the approach, you need to find out where the fear of English comes from. "I'm afraid of English because I can't understand it", "I'm afraid of English because I pronounce it wrong, it sounds so rustic!", "I'm afraid of English because I can't speak it" Almost all fears exist. its cause. Maybe it comes from a failure in your past. You are embarrassed and feel ridiculed. And you never want that to happen again. It is in this answer that your greatest "enemy" is contained. People who cannot listen and understand have poor listening skills, and people who pronounce incorrectly may have poor speaking skills. If you can determine where the disease is, there will be a way to cure it.

Eliminate the fear of English once and for all

Eliminate the fear of English once and for all

3. Forget the feeling of shame

This is extremely important. The reason you are afraid of English is because you are afraid of embarrassment. No one wants to be a failure and be looked down upon by others. However, you don't dare to learn English because you're embarrassed, which is a sign of cowardice. That is the most tragic failure. Learn to be stronger, forget opinions from outsiders. Accept that you are very poor and need to improve many things. Others may laugh, you may feel sad. But you have to accept that. Once you are no longer ashamed of yourself, you have taken the first step in overcoming this fear!

4. Seriously cultivate knowledge

Isn't the root cause of your fear of English because you're not good at it? That's right, because you're not good and probably aren't good yet. The long-term solution to get rid of this fear is only your own efforts. You must seriously study, try to improve your skills, become better. Only then will you truly no longer feel self-conscious about this language.

Eliminate the fear of English once and for all

Get Rid of Your Fear of English Once and for All

5. Improve your weakest skills

Where there is pain, there is treatment, just like when you are sick, you have to take medicine. You understand which skill you fear the most, and which skill is the main cause of that fear. Then you have to spend time curing it. If you have weak listening skills, the time invested in listening to English needs to be increased. You can download more audio files, listen to more videos and audio. If you don't pronounce it correctly, learn how to pronounce it again. Spend a lot of time standing in front of the mirror practicing. Or ask someone to teach you. You will be the only doctor talented enough to save yourself.

6. Challenge your fears

People often say that when someone is put in a corner, their strength becomes invincible. When you are forced to challenge your fear, you are forced to overcome it on your own. You can push yourself to the challenge by proactively talking to foreigners. You may be scared, nervous, sweaty, stuttering, etc.

No problem! You may not get used to it the first time. But after 2 or 3 times you will know how to solve it right away. Then you will realize that your English is not that bad. That's when you don't feel afraid anymore.

Fear is a unique human characteristic. And fear of English is also a difficult "disease" for many students. As long as you are determined and want to get rid of fear and become more confident, you can completely apply the above "medicines". Good luck!