Effective ways to learn English communication

Effective ways to learn English communication

Equipping yourself with "standard" English speaking skills is extremely necessary, especially in the era of economic integration and development of our country.

Currently, there are many students and working people who want to find job opportunities and advance their careers, but often encounter obstacles when communicating in English, which makes us always stagnate. place and cannot develop. According to advice from British Council experts, there is no certain age at which you need to learn English, but the earlier and more seriously you are exposed to the language, the more chances you have for success. However, before learning about how to learn English communication effectively, let's analyze the most common communication mistakes to find the most suitable learning method.

1. Basic English communication errors

a. Final Sound

The first and most noticeable communication error of Vietnamese people in particular and foreign language learners in general is the pronunciation of missing the final sound. Some pronunciation mistakes that we often make are ignoring the sounds /t/,/d/,/s/,/z/... due to the different structure in the Vietnamese language. One thing is for sure, people cannot understand what you say because you have "Vietnameseized" it. This makes foreigners easily confused because they do not understand what we are talking about or even misunderstand.

b. Sentence Stress

Most of us Vietnamese people, when learning English communication, often do not pay attention to the accent in a sentence - sentence stress. If you speak a very long paragraph, containing a lot of information but the sound is monotonous, without stress on the words, it will make the listener unable to recognize what your main idea is. Saying "lull" like that will make the other person feel bored, easily distracted and lack focus on what you say, especially in cases of presentations in class, in the meeting room or negotiating with customers...

Effective ways to learn English communication

2. How to learn English communication most effectively

a. Find the right learning method

The first step to learning good English communication is that learners need to find a learning method that suits them. You can go online and learn about the secrets to learning English communication effectively because there are many scientific ways of learning that you can apply such as studying in groups with friends, going to English centers, participating in quizzes. club or even self-study at home, etc. Finding a suitable learning method will help you feel motivated to study and will bring much higher learning efficiency.

b. Take time to practice listening to English

An extremely important thing when learning English communication is that you have to spend time practicing listening to English communication more often because listening practice will help increase your ability to reflect in English and thereby improve your pronunciation. mine. You should start listening to short stories with simple topics and then practice listening to TV news, podcasts, etc. Another useful way to practice communication skills is to practice first. Mirror when speaking to adjust mouth and gestures when communicating.

c. There is a guide

For the process of learning English communication to be most effective, you should have a teacher to guide you. Teachers will be the ones who support you a lot because they have been well-trained from universities, know how to stress sentences when communicating in English and correct when you pronounce incorrectly.

3. Practice study habits to improve English communication

Learning to communicate is not difficult, it's just daily repetition and over time will form natural reflexes when you talk. Therefore, create a specific schedule to force yourself to learn English communication every day and turn it into a habit. Maintaining good habits will help you have a more positive outlook in life - Good habits are the key to all success.

Let the habit of learning English change your lifestyle.