Idioms are sentences/phrases used by native speakers in daily communication. If you want to communicate naturally or you are in need of IELTS test preparation, you definitely cannot miss it.
EnglishTop will classify Idioms according to different topics. And this time it will be Idioms on the topic of Money
For example:
I can't afford a skiing holiday this winter - it would break the bank.
For example:
It costs an arm and a leg to buy all these Christmas presents.
For example:
They had to pay through the nose to get their son insured to drive.
For example:
They're splashing out on their anniversary this year.
For example:
He works in the City and he's loaded!
For example:
She will inherit everything. She's sitting on a goldmine!
For example:
I've just received a bonus and I have money to burn!
For example:
Those two don't earn enough money. They don't have a bean to rub together.
For example:
His family has always been as poor as church mice.
For example:
Can you lend me some money until next Friday? I'm skint!
For example:
She's always broke at the end of the month.
For example:
His parents scrimped and saved to send him to university.
For example:
Why don't you want to buy her a leaving present? You're such a scrooge.
For example:
She reuses tea bags - she's such a leather flint!
For example:
One reason he has so much money is that he's so tight-fisted!
For example:
He just bought another camera - he has more money than sense.
For example:
He can't just go out window-shopping. Money burns a hole in his pocket.
For example:
He sells bunches of flowers he has grown himself. It's money for old rope.
He made a fast buck selling those shares. I wonder if he had insider knowledge.
For example:
These scarves are ten a penny in the markets here.
Above are the Idioms about money. Let's EnglishTop Continue to explore idioms on other topics. Wish you good study.