Collection of Idioms describing human personality

Collection of Idioms describing human personality

EnglishTop will classify Idioms according to different topics. And this time it will be Idioms that describe human personalities.

1. Tough cookie: People with a determined and resilient will

For example:

  • She had a difficult childhood, but she's a tough cookie. I knew she'll be a success.

2. Big cheese: A person with great influence in a certain field

For example:

  • One of the big cheeses from NASA gave a speech.

3. Good egg: A trustworthy, kind person

For example:

  • I can always ask for his help. He works well and fast. He is a good egg.

4. Couch potato: People who are sedentary and sit in one place all day watching TV

For example: 

  • You are such a couch potato on weekends.

Collection of Idioms describing human personality

5. Early bird: A person who gets up very early

For example:

  • I've always been an early bird.

6. Night owl: A person who stays up very late

For example: 

  • College life has turned me into a night owl.

7Born optimist: Lalways optimistic, optimistic since childhood. 

Used to describe someone who always thinks positively.

For example:

  • I admire Jamal because he always sees the sunny side of life. He’s a born optimist

8Culture vulture: Kcultural vulture. 

People who love various forms of culture and art such as painting, literature, music...

For example:

  • John spends most of his weekends reading books or attending art exhibitions. He’s a real culture vulture

9Eager beaver: Very hardworking and enthusiastic person. 

Used to refer to a person (usually overly enthusiastic) who always works hard to complete work or achieve some goal.

For example:

  • She always does her English grammar homework and even asks for extra exercises on the weekend. What an eager beaver!

10Earth mother

Only a woman who is always caring, considerate, and thoughtful; have a mother's instinct.

For example:

  • Even as young girl, Ida showed herself to be an earth mother. She always helped her mother to look after her younger brothers and sisters

11Family man: family man. 

The man is always devoted to his family.

For example:

  • Harvey has become a family man. He spends all of his spare time with his children

12Go-getter: ambitious person

A person is always ambitious in pursuing his goals.

For example:

  • Isaac is a real go-getter.

Collection of Idioms describing human personality

13. Good egg: Trustworthy, kind person.

For example:

  • Marry was the type of person who would have helped anyone - a real good egg.

14Jack-of-all-trades: People who know every profession but are not good at any profession.

For example:

  • From car repair to hairdressing, Frank can do it all. He is a jack-of-all-trades.
     Collection of Idioms describing human personality

15Man/ Woman of his world:Promise keeper (Always keep your promises).

For example:

  • You can trust Samuel. He is a man of his world.

16Mover and shaker: Someone whose opinion is respected and has influence.

For example:

  • He was a mover and shaker in the world of politics.

17Smart cookie: smart person. 

Bright and intelligent person, good at handling difficult situations.

For example:

  • Why don’t we ask Harley to help us solve our problem? I’ve been told that she’s a smart cookie.

18Teacher’s pet: Dear student. 

The student who is loved by his teachers (This phrase can be used in both positive and negative senses).

For example:

  • The teacher is never angry when Albert forgets to do his homework. He is the teacher’s pet.

19Whizz kid: Talmost dong. Very smart and successful person

For example:

  • I’ve never seen anyone learn English grammar tenses faster than Andre. In only two weeks, he knew everything about the present perfect simple - what a whizz kid!

The above is total fit the Idioms describe human personality. Let's EnglishTop Continue to explore idioms on other topics. Wish you all the best in your studies.