15 tips for you when learning English

15 tips for you when learning English

Everyone wants to not be left behind in the global race, so we always try every day not to fall behind.

And knowing how to use English will be an advantage in this race - because this is the most commonly used language.

Below are 15 tips for you when learning English.

1. Actively watch TV, videos, listen to the radio, read English newspapers or talk to native speakers whenever you have the chance.

2. Use English in many places, not just in the classroom

3. Play games and practice English songs.

4. When talking in English, try to express yourself in every possible way, including using gestures.

5. You should ask again or ask the speaker to repeat if you do not understand the meaning.

6. Never be afraid of making mistakes when speaking and writing in English

7. Apply newly learned words and structures in a variety of situations.

15 tips for you when learning English

8. Read different articles on the same topic. Practice speak and write based on themes.

9. Try to guess the meaning of words and sentences based on the content of reading, listening or communication situations (don't rely too much on the dictionary).

10. Compare to understand the difference between English and Vietnamese.

11. Correct your mistakes yourself before being corrected by a friend or teacher.

12. Studying in groups or pairs is best.

13. Memorize grammar rules, new words or sample conversations.

14. Listen to tapes and practice spelling regularly.

15. Try applying the above methods for about 2-3 months, you will immediately know your learning results.